We lay a strong foundation in our pre-school journey. Kids are exposed to activities that help them to develop good habits like eating independently, socializing and making friends and following a routine. The environment to enhance language is provided by introducing songs, rhymes and alphabet. Play time activities in pre-school help kids to develop their fine and gross motor skills.
Kids experience an explosion of language, along with dramatic advancement in fine and gross motor control, problem solving ability, independence and social interaction. They learn the phonic sounds and songs related to the letters in the alphabet, techniques of forming letters, making interesting mathematical patterns, identifying pre-mathematical concepts and numbers from 1-10.
Through our skill-based curriculum and personalized mode of learning, children analyse and discover new things independently. We equip them with the resources, both academic and non-academic, needed before they start formal schooling. By the end of the kindergarten, children will be able to read, draw, write, narrate their own stories, perform basic mathematical operations and communicate confidently with others.